Why Us | Getting Started | Updating My Listing
Why Us
Why is it free
During initial test phase we expect some changes and hic-ups with the system. Offering for free is a trade off for a little occasional bumps in the road. We’ll try to keep it to a minimum and thank you for your support.
What will it cost
There is no model yet for costs, we would like to be as inclusive as possible and also keep the web site afloat.
Do pets have to be sold
Not at all, they can be offered for free and we encourage you to do so. For some owners that have litters we understand that raising and housing comes at a cost they may want to recover. So we leave it open, for people to set a price if they want to.
Why should I place an advert
We believe we can build a great hub for pet enthusiasts, from the family dog to personal companion. An easy open system with something for everyone.
Getting Started
How can I place an listing
First you must register. Once you have an account click the place ad button, then complete the form with your advert details. After that we will review your listing before it appears on the site. Remember to add photos and double check the email address.
How long until my listing is approved
Listings are usually reviewed within 24 hours. Listings are only reviewed if you have verified your listing via the confirmation link sent to you email.
Verification email
If this is your first listing, a verification email was sent to the email address in the listing. You must click the verification link to start your listing, this is to ensure your email was entered correctly and that you will receive emails from people inquiring about your listing.
I didn’t receive a verification email
If this is your first email from pets4sale.nz, emails are being flagged as spam. Check your spam folder and mark them as not spam. It’s important to ensure you can get emails from us.
My listing disappeared
We run a number of checks against listings to check that it’s not spam or fraud. It’s possible your listing was flagged automatically, if you believe it was flagged incorrectly, just send us a message and ask for a review.
I emailed you, but had no reply
We reply to email reply to address, often these bounce, so make sure you entered it correctly. Also check your spam box.
Updating My Listing

How do I stop my listing
Login and go to your listing on the website, click the pause button. This will stop the listing until it expires.
Should you need to start the listing again, you can click the un-pause button. You can restart the listing until it eventually expires.