We have 3 adorkable puppies looking for their forever homes! They were born on April 25th 2024 and are now 4 months old. They have had their first vet check & vaccination and are ready to go. They're growing well, friendly, and have been socialised with our other dogs as well as household noises like phones, music, washing machine, and cars. I feed BlackHawk Lamb & Rice Puppy kibble, a good quality food.
Puppies are 3/4 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and 1/4 Miniature Schnauzer. They’ll make great pets if you’re looking for an affectionate, gentle small-sized dog. Adult size will be ~7-8kg and they’ll be lower shedding than full cavaliers.
Mum is half-cavvy half-schnauzer - first generation crossbred. She has a coarse salt-pepper coat like a schnauzer but the cutest round eyes like a cavvy. My favourite thing about her is how chilled she is. Loves getting patted and cuddled but often she’ll just sit beside me and nuzzle my leg. It’s adorable.
Dad is a purebred blenheim cavalier, unpapered but from a reputable kennel. He’s a beautiful boy with a silky-soft gingery coat and a dot marking on the top of his head. He’s really friendly and quite funny, will whine and roll over for rubs...definitely lap dog temperament. A gentleman with the lady dogs, too.
We have two girls and one boy available. Boy is blenheim with a short coat and slender figure and big ears. One girl is speckled black-and-tan, also short-coated and slender. The other girl is blenheim with a cavvy-like shape but her coat is shaggy and wiry like a schnauzer's. It's very interesting how the genetic mix can come out!
Feel free to message any questions & to arrange viewings.
Price: $1,200
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